"RE1J Mask Mandate Continues." Article by Kendra Walker. Crested Butte News on November 10, 2021.
Laura is intimately familiar with our community's schools, parents, and children as she is a cross county coach and a former teacher at Crested Butte Community School. She has a Masters in Education from Western Colorado University, served as secretary of the Gunnison Watershed School District Accountability Committee, and was a member of the Crested Butte Community School Accountability Committee. She also volunteered to help launch an apolitical non-profit to support Dr. Leslie Nichols and our schools during the labor shortage and lawsuit that threatens the unity of Gunnison County.
RE1J schools are under attack with a lawsuit as they are also faced with a workforce shortage. Laura, a former teacher at CBCS, has a vision for how we, as a community, move forward together.
“We need to be focusing on kids, on funding our education, and the lawsuit is opposite of that,” said Laura Puckett Daniels. “A lawsuit takes away time, energy, human resources, and money, and if you really care about kids and you really care about education and you really care about this country, a lawsuit is not the way to go. You can’t talk with one side of your mouth about wanting conflict resolution to be taught in our schools and then threaten a bunch of lawsuits. That is not how we resolve conflict. We need to be talking to each other in the way we are tonight. We need to drop the lawsuit so we can get back to educating our kids.”